Dr. Huba Ray
Specialties: Testing
Locations: Kingsley Office

Huba Ray, Ed.D.

Professional Information

Ed.D. Saint Louis University; M.S. Missouri State University; B.S. Missouri State University; Certifications: Guidance Counselor K-12; School Psychological Examiner K-12; English 7-12; Art K-12; Advanced Principal; Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC;) National Certified Counselor (NCC);

Org Memberships

American School Counseling Association (ASCA), Southwest Missouri School Counselor Association (SMSCA); Missouri School Counselor Association (MSCA); Missouri Association of School Psychologists (MASP); Current Offices Held: SMSCA Governing Board; SMSCA Post-Secondary VP; DESE State Advisory Council for Counselor Educators; DESE State Guidance Advisory Committee MASP Governing Board: SW Representative

Courses Taught

School Counseling Field Experience I, II, and III; Intelligence Testing; Diagnostic Assessment; Psychological Examiner Practicum; Psychology of Education; Elementary Curriculum and Instruction; Group; Individual and Group Assessment; Counseling and Therapy with Diverse Populations; Classroom Management


Ray, H.A. (2011). The school counselor practicing standard of care. SMSCA Newsletter, Jan-Feb, 11-12. ; Ray, H.A., & Ortiz, R.H. (2010). English language learners and the school counselor: Practical ways to be an advocate. MSCA Counseling Interviewer, 42:3, 6-11.; Ray, H.A., & Winborn, J. (2007). Evaluation of guidance and counseling programs through PRBE. MSCA Counseling Interviewer, 42:3, 6-11.; (Guest Reader/Editor; Chapter 16) Sattler, J.M. (2008). Assessment of Children: Cognitive Foundations, San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler Publisher, Inc.; Guest Reader/Editor; Chapter 1) Sattler, J.M. (In publication). Assessment of Children: Behavioral, Social, and Clinical Foundations. San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler Publisher, Inc. Guest Reader/Editor, Chapter 2; Chapter 4. Sattler, J.M. (2016) Assessment of Children: WPPSI IV & WISC V . San Diego: Jerome M. Sattler Publisher, Inc.

Favorite Thing About Work

A few of my favorite things are the opportunity to work with school counselors-in-training from various school districts, the privilege to be a lifelong learner at a Christian University, and the joy to work with an outstanding department.

Personal Information

Married in 1973 to Larry, we have three grown children, Matthew (wife Samantha; grandson Charleston), Nicole (husband Wendell and grandson Sayge), and Taylor, who continues to entertain and delight us. After thirty-three years as a teacher and counselor, I retired from the public school system, so I am fortunate to continue working in a career that I respect and enjoy. When not working, I enjoy watching wildlife from the porch of my rural home, cooking southern comfort foods, spoiling my dog and cat, and not watching the clock.